Choosing a wooden house combines the concept of wellness intended as a pleasant place where you can bring up your family and the concept of a safe investment in the future real estate market.
The current environmental issues have imposed a deep reflection on the relationship between man and environment, determining the birth of a new awareness even in the field of house building.
As a result, nowadays it has become logical and, at the same time, essential, to create residential buildings with natural and renewable materials.
Over the past few years a number of technological innovations have made possible building projects which seemed impossible until then.
Wooden buildings means eco-sustainability: reduction of carbon dioxide emissions in the atmosphere, according to Kyoto protocol.
It is shown that it is preferable to use the wood, natural tank of carbon dioxide, as a building material.
The CO2 balance of the wooden house, considering the production of materials, implementation, use and total emissions, is lower than 50% compared to a traditional one.
A wooden building designed and implemented with architectural technology and adequate materials ensures the highest standard of well-being inside our house:
- high heat comfort both in summer and in winter
- average relative air humidity
- absence or scarcity of air movements
- absence of condensation
- uniform temperature between walls and floor
- high air quality
The wood is also an effective barrier against outside noises, allowing for an excellent level of soundproofing and offers a total shielding from electromagnetic pollution.
The evolution of construction systems, materials and standards imposing higher and higher performances of energy saving, has involved over the last few decades an increase in the risk of diseases connected to bad environmental conditions inside buildings.
The “sick” building syndrome, as recognized by World Health Organization, is a feature of many new constructions or of recently restored buildings, in which both the unaware use of several synthetic substances (varnishes, sprays, glues, chipboard,…) and the sealing produced in the name of a limitation of energy consumptions, together with a bad use of heating system, scarce ventilation and air recirculation combined with poor transpirability of materials have turned buildings into airtight containers, with high level of pollution.
Wooden Buildings uses only certified lamellar wood coming from forests managed respecting their biodiversity and capability of renovation, and produced according to parameters of social and economic sustainability.
The insulating materials of roof and walls, assembled with the most effective techniques in order to highlight their features of caulking and soundproofing, are selected to get the highest standard of control of thermal dispersion/permeability.
The air quality inside the house is ensured by the effective perspiration of steam and humidity, in addition to the nearly no emission of toxic substances of these materials.
Thermal insulation is the key point of any initiative of energy saving and the aptitude of wood to be a structural and insulating element allows to create a type of high comfort building, but with significantly reduced costs for heating/cooling compared to the traditional bricklaying housing.
Wooden Buildings’ design philosophy is focused on the optimization of these features, carrying out wooden buildings resulting cool in summer and warm in winter.
Wooden Buildings ensures to its clients the certainty of the delivery times, which are fast and punctual and frozen prices for materials and labour which aren’t subject to change compared to the ones set up in the contract of sale.
All this thanks to a consolidated professionalism and an ability to design all the following steps of processing before the works begin, therefore without any kind of increase along the way.
The accurate designing through CAD/CAM software, the proper choice of materials and the best laying carried out by professionals are excellent guarantees of duration for the purchaser of a Wooden Buildings’ house.
The wooden houses, as the bricklaying ones, require an ordinary maintenance even only for the conservation of the stability of the value.
But the “architectural protection of the wood”, that is the set of design and technological expedients of our creations, the control on the materials employed, the attention in the implementation which occurs entirely inside our carpenter’s shop and the professional laying, are guarantees of durability and reduce the ordinary interventions to the minimum.
MAINTENANCE MANUALAs an integration of each Wooden Buildings realisation, the client is provided with a maintenance plan, with all the instructions to the best use of his/her own new wooden house. Moreover, Wooden Buildings makes its technicians available for the ordinary maintenance and to carry out ordinary controls in order to verify the entirety and the efficiency of the structural elements.

Wooden Buildings s.r.l.
Via della Stazione 67
60022 Castelfidardo An
T 071 291 63 13
F 071 214 68 90