The wood is a combustible material, but it doesn’t mean that wooden structures don’t have fire resistance and that they are more vulnerable than other typologies of structures.
We must debunk the belief that a wooden building is more dangerous in the event of fire: it is not only false, but it is even true the contrary.
Buildings entirely made up of wooden, both lamellar and solid, ensure equal or higher REI (mechanic fire-resistance rating in minutes) to bricklaying structures or worse reinforced concrete.
The probability of a fire is the same of any other construction built with other structural materials, because the main cause of fire is never the structure, but curtains, fabric in general and electrical appliances.
The wood has by its nature physical-mechanical features involving unique advantages in terms of safety:
- reduced thermal expansion, thank to which wooden structural elements deform very little if exposed to fire and the connections among the different frames remain stable;
- zero toxic emission: the wood which hasn’t been treated with chemical finishing doesn’t emit toxic exhalations during the combustion;
- low thermal conductivity, therefore the wood works as a protection for metal connectors and plants included in wooden walls.

Wooden Buildings s.r.l.
Via della Stazione 67
60022 Castelfidardo An
T 071 291 63 13
F 071 214 68 90