The real durability of a wooden product depends on important factors such as the climate, the use and the design and the perfect laying which have to prevent dangerous and damaging phenomena such as interstitial condensations.
As a matter of fact wood doesn’t get damaged due to humidity but because of condensation. Consequently the use of perspirant materials allowing for the flow of steam is very important to avoid the proliferation of fungi and mold. That’s why the durability of the wooden building is tightly connected with excellent design and pre-fabrication.
There is evidence that even very old and well-designed wooden buildings haven’t been damaged so far and they have only had little maintenance work.
Other more modern buildings, instead, made of different materials have proved a minor durability.
This shows that it is possible to estimate durability while designing a building.
In the case of wooden buildings, studies on durability have shown that these buildings can last up to several decades.
However, a well-made design is not enough because it has to be accompanied by an accurate installation and by future checks and maintenance work.
It is estimated that if after 3-5 years a wooden building hasn’t shown any important durability problems, the foreseen durability can be expected.

Wooden Buildings s.r.l.
Via della Stazione 67
60022 Castelfidardo An
T 071 291 63 13
F 071 214 68 90